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My Review of the Marvel Universe Crochet Amigurumi Book | Part 2

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Last week I talked about how I got the Marvel Universe Crochet kit. This kit by Kati Galusz contains patterns for 12 Marvel Universe characters.

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In my previous post, I gave you feedback on Iron Man, Captain America, Spider Man, Thor, Falcon and Ant Man. You can read that post here. Here is an affiliate link for the kit:

In this post, I’m going to give you my take on Hawkeye, Black Widow, The Hulk, She-Hulk, Star Lord and Groot.

Hawkeye and Black Widow are also part of the Avengers who were previously Agents of Shield. This character uses black yarn (there are a few more like this one too) which can be challenging – especially when working on it at night. I literally wear a headlamp to help me with black yarn. Crocheting outside in the natural daylight also helps. This one seemed a bit daunting at first due to the fact that I needed to make a bow and arrow too. This character also had an interesting way of making hair and it worked out quite well. It uses a combination of 2 techniques.

I didn’t have a black pipe cleaner for the bow. I only had red and so I made it work. I also covered it in black yarn, instead of embroidery thread. I used a bit of glue at the top of the pipe cleaner to secure the yarn and also put a fine line of glue down the pipe cleaner to help the yarn adhere. Once the pipe cleaner was covered I simply left a long end to join to the other end of the bow – again, securing with a bit of glue. It’s not perfect, but I wanted to work with what I had and I think it still looks good.

I made the arrows as directed in the book. I didn’t have thick enough washi tape for the ends, but I did have some coloured electrician’s tape from the dollar store which worked.

I quite like how Hawkeye turned out. What really makes it is the bow and arrow.

Black Widow
This is the first female in the book. Again, working with black yarn can be challenging but I am pleased with how she came out. The hair was done separately as a wig. I’ve never done hair like this before but it was quite easy and I really like the end result. I changed the mouth embroidery to red. The use of the bugle beads around the wrist is a nice touch too.

The Hulk
The Hulk is another member of the Avengers. This character is bigger than the others – which makes sense of course. There’s some actual shape to the arms which is kind of neat because it makes him look muscular. The hair is attached to the head and then you get to give him a haircut which was also fun. He was pretty straightforward to make as there are very few colour changes.

I must admit that I couldn’t recall who this was. Other than the obvious relation to the Hulk I needed to ask my kids who she was. She-Hulk is not in any of the movies or TV shows but is featured in comic books. This one turned out a little bigger than the others – not as big as the Hulk, but bigger. This character also has hair made in the same technique. By now, I’ve gotten the hang of it. She also has very few colour changes, making it fairly easy to make.

Star-Lord and Groot are from Guardians of the Galaxy. This was one of my favourite characters to make. The best part of this pattern is the helmet. There were a lot of details that went into this pattern and it turned out really nice. I also used surface crochet for the details on this character.

I’ve made baby Groot from a free pattern from Twinkie Chan. It sits in a pot in my kids’ bedroom but this Groot is a little different. I chose to use the same yarn, which is Vanna’s Choice in barley which is a tweed-like yarn that is mainly brown but also has specks of other colours in it.

After making each leg, I found it easier to simply continue one with the leg detail without having to cut the yarn. Again, I used surface crochet to do this, instead of embroidery. I ended the leg detail at the bottom and continued on to make the “toes”. So I made the leg, the leg detail and toes all in one – without breaking the yarn. This means fewer ends to weave in! I also did this all with the leg unstuffed as I find it easier to work with it this way.

The arms are made in a very different technique and I really liked how it turned out. The texture and detail really work with Groot being a tree.

For the leaves, I used green felt and a small dab of glue to attach. The pattern calls for fabric and sewing, but I found this easier and quicker to do. I also tucked the leaves in around some of the detail – not only does it hide the glue but it also looks more like it is a part of the character.

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All in all, I would highly recommend the Marvel Universe Crochet kit. There are some great characters here and the patterns are consistent and well written.

I kind of wished there were more Guardians of the Galaxy characters, like Rocket Racoon, Gamora and Drax. The kit seemed very Avengers heavy – which is also great, but these 2 from Guardians of the Galaxy almost seem like an add-on.

Want to remember this Marvel Universe crochet amigurumi review? Be sure to save this to your favourite Pinterest board.

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